After the 2004 election, when I wandered around in shock, I was looking forward to seeing my neighbors. They are an elderly couple who are life-long democrats and are active in local politics. I figured they would be able to share some words of wisdom with me, help put things in perspective. I was sure that over the course of their voting lives they had lived through disappointment, had shaken off disillusionment.
Finally, the day came that we saw each other in the neighborhood. So, I told them how I had been looking eagerly forward to talking with them in hopes of lifting my spirits. Instead, my neighbor said, "Oh, we voted for Bush. We've never liked Kerry. He's too phony."
Back in the primaries of this current election, I brought the subject up. We all agreed, actually, that neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton thrilled us.
Ever since Obama became the nominee, I have been trying to find the courage to bring the subject up with my neighbors. I finally did today. My neighbor called to ask if I could bring in their papers and mail while they're away for the weekend. When she said they would be getting back Monday night, it seemed like the perfect moment to bring up the election. I asked if she was planning on voting for Obama. She said no. She said she wasn't voting for McCain, she would probably write in someone, possibly her husband. She said she and her husband couldn't believe that out of all the people in the country, these were the two people they could find to run for president. I asked her why she rejected Obama as a candidate. She used the line that she didn't think he had the experience. I offered the analogy that I didn't have parenting experience when I first gave birth to my daughter, but I have the intelligence, dedication, and compassion to do my best.
I don't think she bought my argument. What should I say? I can have a lovely well-written note waiting for her when she gets back. Will you help me?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Remember no [one] is a failure who has (virtual) friends
[You just need to watch the first 45 seconds of the video. After that, the person who posted it adds some music that s/he thinks is the perfect ending to any movie.]
I guess I could've added this:
Yesterday it was my birthday
I hung one more year on the line
I should be depressed
My life's a mess
But I'm having a good time
Maybe I'm laughing my way to disaster
Maybe my race has been run
Maybe I'm blind to the fate of mankind
But what can be done?
- Paul Simon
I hung one more year on the line
I should be depressed
My life's a mess
But I'm having a good time
Maybe I'm laughing my way to disaster
Maybe my race has been run
Maybe I'm blind to the fate of mankind
But what can be done?
- Paul Simon
A quick tour of google to get the lyrics right shows me that I am not, by far, the first person to quote this song on a blog the day after my birthday! This online community is mighty mighty. Other than phone calls and presents from family, and a rainy, windy day spent in the house with my children, it was my virtual friends with whom I celebrated yesterday. They are the ones who gave me the "good to see you," so I could answer, "good to be seen." I am grateful for the community I have found. Thank you.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy Birthday!
I am an artist. I think there are few people in my current life who know this about me. I started this blog back in April because I want to help that part of me come out of hiding. The blog name, Unbound Confine, is the title I gave to a book of photographs I created for a an alumni art show at my college in New York some years ago. At the time, art was everywhere in my life, but I was looking for babies. Now, I have two beautiful children and I am looking for art. Do you think that balance might be a theme this year? When I read this post by Hecate the other day, it spoke directly to me, because "this time of year is about introspection," for me as well. So I went to Lunaea Weatherstone's generous online sharing of her wonderful tarot deck to choose a card for myself. I got this card.
Yes, balance is going to be important this year.
Wow! When I just went to Lunaea's site to copy the link to post here, of course I had to take a moment to choose a birthday card. This card seems perfect for today!

The Wheel of the Year*
In the middle of typing this, the morning is still and quiet. It's dark outside. Then, my birthday begins the same as most other days: a voice from the other room, "Mama, what time is it?" "7:03," I answer, hoping that the 8yo can stay in bed a little longer. Oh, she has added a new line to the dialog, "Mama, can I type something on computer?" "Not now," I say, not yet willing to relinquish my computer or peace, "It's still dark outside and we don't have to get up yet." I am pleased that the 8yo is very interested in writing, it is an interest we share. Early in the morning, though, I'm not very social. Balance.
Well, it's taken me long enough to write this that both girls are now awake and hollering demands that I come open their curtain, come get their dinosaur off the floor of their room to give to them while they linger in bed. Yes, I reminded them that it is my birthday and so I get to have a little more time in my room. Now the 8yo has shouted that it's not my birthday, it's a regular Saturday, and is singing, "Happy I hate you to you..." A few minutes later, playing her role in the family drama, the 5yo sings, "Happy love day to you..." Balance.
Happy birthday to me.
Yes, this post is all a ploy to encourage sympathy so you'll buy me presents!
Update: What Lunaea said.
Update II: *The Wheel of the Year is a major arcana card, so this will be an important year for you. For me, the Wheel of the Year is about riding the seasons, experiencing the changes, going with the flow. Sometimes you're going to be up, sometimes you're going to be down, but the important thing is to be present whatever is going on. Where is your Higher Self? What does she want to get out of this trip around the wheel? Can you breathe into her?
Thank you, Hecate.
Lunaea Weatherstone's beautiful tarot art found here.
Friday, October 24, 2008
I can't be anonymous!
Well, I set this whole blog up so that I could go all anonymous and shit, but I just can't be anonymous. This is odd, because although I can't be anonymous, I am often invisible.

Today is my birthday-eve. Tomorrow, I will be as old as Barack Obama. He's running for president. I'm often running for the school bus. It all makes a life.
P.S. I've added a wishlist on the right, there. It is not called an expectations list. It's what computers are for, right? Ooh! shiny! Anyway, there are a lot of books on the list that I'd love to read, but books take me longer than the library would like. So, if you have any of these (or any others that you think I'd like to read), and you're willing to loan them to me for a while, that'd be swell! In the meantime, if you've got surfing fingers, take a look at what called to me through the ether in the blur of night...
So I'm outing myself. Let's see who notices.
Has anyone seen this woman?
Today is my birthday-eve. Tomorrow, I will be as old as Barack Obama. He's running for president. I'm often running for the school bus. It all makes a life.
P.S. I've added a wishlist on the right, there. It is not called an expectations list. It's what computers are for, right? Ooh! shiny! Anyway, there are a lot of books on the list that I'd love to read, but books take me longer than the library would like. So, if you have any of these (or any others that you think I'd like to read), and you're willing to loan them to me for a while, that'd be swell! In the meantime, if you've got surfing fingers, take a look at what called to me through the ether in the blur of night...
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