Thursday, February 26, 2009

Deep Thought

An economy that only feeds the rich makes too much frosting and not enough cake.

Art found here.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The speech was great.

What's even greater?

We no longer have the president who drinks the kool-aid of evil.

Let us all raise our glasses of elitist chardonnay!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It Must Be Spring

Girls and Galimotos

Update: And the boys have them, too...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Proofreader Wanted

I don't usually buy paper towels. I don't know if it helps the planet at all, especially since I do buy kleenex (a lot). As I have been living the past two weeks without running water (a blog post in itself, which I hope to write sometime after the plumber's visit today at 1pm), I have been a little loose with my inconvenient truths. I bought an 8-pack of supermarket brand paper towels for various uses. It only dawned on me later that I could've at least sought out a green brand. As it is, I've only gone through two rolls, so I feel a little less guilty.

Why is she telling us this, you may be asking. Well, the first roll had pictures of kitchen utensils decorating it. The 6yo became quite fond of one I gave her at supper one night and has continued to keep the same one at her place at the table. The second roll has kitchen action words (ie, verbs!) written on it. When I began to read it with the girls, I noticed there were two and a half mistakes (the half is because the word in question can be a verb, but I don't know anyone who uses it as one, do you?).

Can you spot the mistakes?

(click photo to enlarge)

Who's proofreading paper towel text these days, 'cause that seems like a job I could do from home!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Full Moon

The beauty that rose on Sunday evening.

A comic that I clipped from the paper years ago.
Thank you, Gary Larson.
(click photo to enlarge)

Friday, February 6, 2009


Most weeks there is a night where the girls and I get to go to their godparents for supper. I am grateful for the delicious meal Jim prepares, but even more, I am grateful that these wonderful people are in our lives. When I was making the decision to be a single parent, I thought a lot about whether I would be able to handle all the challenges of parenting on my own. I didn't think about the fact that there wouldn't be anyone with whom to share the joys. These loving godparents are a gift to our family. I am grateful.
